【杭州】大运河杭州段拱宸桥桥西历史街区竹屋时间:2021-12-08 地点:中国浙江·杭州 Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 完成时间:2017年 Completion date: Year 2017 设计师:周春贵 Architect: Zhou Chungui 项目简介:杭州拱宸桥下-桥西历史街区,藏着运河的百年。这里见证了昔日运河的繁华和没落的无奈。这是杭州百年的遗产,如今时代的变迁让昔日的拱宸桥正在一点点的改变。在对桥西历史文化街区改造的设计过程中,设计师也与一些住在这里的老杭州人进行了沟通,他们说得最多的还是感慨发展太快,来不及回味美好的这一切,自己就老了,他们害怕人们会渐渐忘了杭州的历史。历经百年风雨的拱宸桥承载着杭州人对京杭大运河的情怀,对老杭州的回忆,更是老一辈杭州人归宿感的象征。设计师在对桥西直街的改造过程中,添加了非常多的现代元素,但同时保留了传统记忆,将桥西直街地面采用户外高耐重组竹地板架设的平台,在平台上建了18栋竹屋,这18栋竹屋全部采用户外重组竹材料加工而成,户外重组竹材料表面全部采用做旧工艺,留住老杭州人的记忆;在技术上使用中国最传统的榫卯技术,现代工艺的竹材料与传统装配技艺的完美结合,体现了高速发展中的杭州与历史记忆的交叠。 Project Info: The West Block of Gongchen Bridge in Hangzhou dates back hundreds of years throughout the rich history of the Hangzhou Section of The Grand Canal. This block is of invaluable heritage as it has been gradually modified through time including the latest renovation project which involved community surveys among residents native to the area. These residents expressed a strong interest in preserving the feeling of homeland highlighting the need to preserve the canal culture and honour the local people of the area to ensure that this heritage is passed down to the next younger generations. In order to achieve this goal, the architects adopted outdoor strand woven bamboo material in combination with modern components. Outdoor bamboo decks were laid along Zhijie street on which bamboo chalets were built from vintage processed outdoor strand woven bamboo. The assembly followed the conventional Chinese conventional T&G technology and modern construction techniques for advanced bamboo materials were perfectly integrated with traditional ones reflecting a harmony between developed & historical HANGZHOU. 竹产品应用:户外重组竹地板作为小竹屋的基础平台,耐腐、防霉、B1级防火等级、抗白蚁。竹屋采用“晶态竹钢”这一全新的户外重组竹材,特别适合用在竹装配式建筑、各类户外竹结构等领域。该产品的耐候性、抗压、抗弯性能、耐久性能卓越,并且拥有优良的防霉、防腐、防火性能。 Application of bamboo products: outdoor bamboo floor platform for small bamboo dwelling with anti-corrosion, anti-mildew, B1 grade fire-proof and anti-termite properties. The bamboo dwelling uses "crystalline bamboo steel ", a new outdoor reconstituted bamboo material which is especially suitable for bamboo buildings and other outdoor fields of application for bamboo structures. The product has excellent weather resistance, compression resistance, bending resistance, durability, and excellent anti-mildew, anti-corrosion and anti-fire performance. 杭州润竹科技有限公司拥有自主设计、研发、智造、销售团队,团队成员自2008年始投身竹行业,专注研发竹材的综合应用,为各地打造全竹绿色建筑,同时整合竹全产业链资源,以竹为核心产业,提供全生命周期、全产业链的一站式综合竹文化服务。润竹科技同南京林业大学生物质复合建筑材料与结构团队有着良好的合作关系,共同致力于竹建筑材料与结构的研发和推广,还与万科、恒大、招商、腾讯、阿里等公司建立合作关系。目前已经完成衢州厕所革命、杭州旅游厕所建设、桥西全竹古建、西溪商业竹建筑等工程项目。 Hangzhou Runzhu Technology Co. Ltd has its own design, research, manufacturing and sales team. Some of the team members have been engaged in the bamboo industry since 2008, focusing on the research and development of the comprehensive application of bamboo materials, building green bamboo building for many places, and integrating the resources of the whole bamboo industry chain. The company could take bamboo as the core industry, and provide the whole life cycle of the whole chain of one-stop comprehensive bamboo culture services. Runzhu Technology has a good cooperative relationship with the team of bio-composite building materials and structures from Nanjing Forestry University to promote the research and development of bamboo building materials and structures. The company has set relationship with VANKE, EVERGRANDE, TENCENT , ALIBABA ect.. A lots of projects has been built successfully such as QUZHOU WC REVOLUTION, HANGZHOU TOURIST WC PROJECTS, WEST BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, XIXI SHIPPING AREA BAMBOO CONSTRUTION ect. 图片来源:杭州润竹科技有限公司 Photo Source: Hangzhou Runzhu Technology Co., Ltd. |